Foodka Goa Days: Food, Fun & a Bengali Twist! From Tambde Rosa to Nightlife - Goa Travel Vlog

Join Foodka on a vibrant Goan adventure as he dives into the heart of the state's culinary scene, nightlife, and even discovers a surprising Bengali connection!
This episode is your ultimate guide to the best food in Goa, the hottest bars in Goa, and a unique Goa tour experience.
Foodka starts his day with a refreshing Tambde Rosa at the iconic Joseph Bar, followed by a delicious spread of Goan classics like Vindaloo, Sorpotel, and Serradura at Viva Panjim Restaurant. He then heads to the renowned Brittos Restaurant, where he savors the flavors of Baked Crab, Lobster Thermidor, and Pomfret Recheado, while also explaining the distinct characteristics of the two different types of Goan cuisine.
But the surprises don't stop there! Foodka stumbles upon a hidden gem - Cheeky Monkey, a restaurant run by a Bengali entrepreneur who plans to introduce Goan folks to the delights of Bengali cuisine in the coming year.
As the day comes to a close, Foodka immerses himself in the electrifying Goa nightlife at Pablo's Bar and Darling's Bar, soaking up the vibrant atmosphere.
He also sits down for an exclusive Industry Talk with a successful NSHM alumni working as a butler at a popular Goan stay, offering valuable insights into the hospitality industry.

This episode is just the beginning of Foodka's Goan escapade. Stay tuned for next week, where he promises to return with even more exciting stories and culinary discoveries!

#GoaTravel #GoaTour #GoanFood #GoaNightLife #BagaBeach #CalanguteBeach #CalanguteBeach

00:00 Welcome to Goa
01:32 Tambde Rosa at Joseph Bar
03:16 Vindaloo, Sorpotel, Serradura and Urrak at Viva Panjim Restaurant
07:26 Baked Crab, Lobster Thermidor, Pomfret Recheado at Brittos Restaurant
09:55 Discover two types of Goan cuisine over pepper-fried prawn and clam in coconut
11:24 The Bong Connection - Cheeky Monkey
13:33 Night Life Goa - Pablo's Bar, Darling's Bar
15:17 Industry Talks with Foodka
18:50 See you next week!