SundaySuspense | Professor Shonku Adventures | Satyajit Ray | Mirchi Bangla

Mirchi Bangla presents Satyajit Ray’s Professor Shonku Adventures

1. Nefrudet-er Samadhi ( 00:00 )

Professor Shonku & other characters – Deep

2. Raktomatso Rahashya ( 30:44 )

Professor Shonku & Tanaka – Deep
Hamakura – Somak
Abinashbabu – Jagannath Basu
Hotel Manager - Riya

Introduction by Deep, Somak, Agni
Recorded by Richard
Special Effects and Sound Design- Subhadeep Sengupta
Raktomatso Rahasya- Direction by- Anirban, Abhishek (Write Brothers)
Special Assistance - Somak
Poster Design- Grinning Tree
Overall Direction and Supervision- Indrani

Disclaimer :
This show is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the creator’s imagination or used fictitiously for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This show does not intend to defame any nation, state, individual, cast or religion. This show does not promote any form of violence, suicidal behaviour, superstition or witchcraft and does not support smoking or drinking. Listeners’ discretion is advised.

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The copyright for this work is owned and protected by Ananda Publishers Private Limited.
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#sundaysuspense #satyajitray #professorshonku

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