Foodka at Silk Route | NSHM Durgapur x NIHTM

In this vibrant episode of Foodka Series, I, Indrajit Lahiri, take you on an epicurean adventure along a modern-day Silk Route. Our journey begins not on dusty desert paths, but amidst the youthful energy of NSHM Durgapur's annual Blitz Festival. Imagine the Silk Route reimagined: culinary creations and cultural energy intertwining, all curated by the brilliant students of NSHM.

Fueling our journey, we start with a hearty breakfast at Azad Hind Dhaba. The aromas of freshly made alu paratha and omelets awaken my senses – a classic taste of the highway.

Durgapur welcomes us with open arms and a feast for the palate. The air crackles with excitement as I sample exquisite Indo-Chinese dishes, delicately prepared Korean specialties, and the rich, fragrant flavors of Persian cuisine. It's astounding what these talented students have achieved!

The highlight of the festival is my conversations with fellow guests. Their enthusiasm for this Silk Route celebration mirrors my own – proof that even ancient histories can ignite a passion for discovery.

This delectable journey doesn't end in Durgapur. On our return to Kolkata, a detour leads us to the Shefali Restaurant, where a hidden gem awaits. Their signature potato fry, chicken oil fry, and a soul-warming mutton curry leave me craving more.

This Foodka episode isn't just about the dishes, it's about the spirit of innovation. It's about young minds paying homage to culinary traditions while adding their own contemporary twists. Join me on this Silk Route – you won't be disappointed!